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Mindful... Morning Routine or Ritual- Do you have one? Could it benefit when managing an illness?



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Aug 2023= Prepaddle, waiting for the morning fog to lift off Grand Lake. A benefit to a morning routine for me is connecting with nature. Do you have one?

Join me for 30 day Lifework Mastery Sessions - we cover this very topic on self-care? Not a morning person- that's okay- you are the captain, chart the course tailored to your needs. Just remember like mother nature threw forest fires and floods our way this summer, in life storms are always around the corner- How will you be prepared for any life storm?

I encourage people to wake up excited to start the day, when you plan something first thing that you love, it sets the tone for the day. When my child was young our house was crazy busy, part of our morning ritual was having our favorite breakfast food and music to look forward to when we got out of bed. As I get older- it is silence, an amazing cup of java and nature. If you are dealing with a major life stress - there is healing power in silence and gathering your thoughts.


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July 2023- The Women's World Cup kicks off , and former Professional Soccer Player and Women’s World Cup Commentator, Rosie White, doesn't want health challenges to block anyone's goals. Like Rosie, more than 600,000 people in the U.S. are living with Ulcerative Colitis, but happily there are resources to manage the disease and the "Supporting You with UC" Campaign is spreading the word. She's joining us now with Gastroenterologist, Dr. Bincy Abraham, to discuss the importance of speaking with your doctor to find a way to manage your UC symptoms

Danielle Pointon

Live Blue Consulting




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