Well here we are the first full week in 2025 completed! For those who are strong on setting New Year resolutions, there is no doubt your goal setting is in full swing!
If by chance resolutions are customary for you, I will leave this food for thought with you.
Goals are very personal and they are yours to own. Many times people have told me their resolution is in relation to strictly their physical body appearance. For many people still, their sense of self-worth is intimately bound up with their physical strength, looks, fitness level, and external appearance. We see this a lot in a technology driven altered state of reality world where many look for the oxytocin spike or external validation from social media. I can fall into this trap too.
The challenge is to identify what is real. You are real! External beauty will not stand the test of time, or provide life long happiness. It is the internal work that is eternal! That’s the REAL…❤️
It’s good to have goals where you are working on body movement, learning new things and creating the best version of yourself. It is likewise good to keep perspective.
Eckhart Tolle talks about the inner body and life energies in the below quote:
“What I call the "inner body" isn't really the body anymore but life energy, the bridge between form and formlessness. Make it a habit to feel the inner body as often as you can.”
Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
I was reminded recently of a classic story of real internal growth, it was the life story of Helen Keller. No technology, no external validation ( Helen could not hear or see) This was true human spirit and a lifelong coach that believed in Helen! Helen’s coach and friend awakened her ability to learn how to communicate applying words to how Helen felt and communicated with the outside world! It’s worth a watch…
I hope you have a great week!
Danielle Pointon
Live Blue Consulting
Ps- I was on my favourite beach Boca Grand, FL here, with family and feet in the sand!
