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Power… You Have More Than You Know! The Gift To Create A Lasting Memory for Another Person!


There is a reason they say part of living your best life is to surround yourself with people who lift you up and want the best for you.

Did you know, the practice of “giving” can be one of the most fulfilling things you can do?

The awesome thing about getting to know people better, is it gives us tremendous opportunity (insight) and power to gift life gestures that are truly meaningful in experience.

This picture above is Captain Dave, who was our escort to Palm Island Resort area near Port Charlotte Florida. You can take a water taxi to a cute little island restaurant, get a nice meal, watch your football game on the tv or just chill on their little balcony.

Enroute when we seen a dolphin, I mentioned my father loves dolphins to Captain Dave. There was also a young family with small kids from Kansas onboard (visiting grandpa and grandma in Florida). After we spotted the dolphin, it would have been easy for Dave to just continue and take us to our restaurant dock, but he did not! He turned the boat around, found the dolphin and picked him up on his wake for an epic wash ride! Dad was just as excited as the kiddo’s from Kansas, it was a beautiful experience that no one will forget.

Let’s dissect this, Dad and the other Family on board both had the power to host their family for the Christmas season, bringing them to new places for new experiences. Captain Dave had the power to make a choice, go straight from point A to point B or give the big and little kids a show. The gift of a lasting memory. It was that easy…

Captain Dave would clap his hands and the dolphin would pick up on the sound and jump out of the water! Check out the video.

Danielle Pointon

Live Blue Consulting

What gesture could you do for someone else that can transform their day and yours, creating a lasting memory?



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