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Sports and Life Analogies-Pep Talks Work!


What is a pep talk?

A pep talk is a short, motivational speech aimed at inspiring or encouraging someone. It typically boosts morale, increases confidence, and motivates people to take action or overcome challenges. Pep talks are often used in sports, education, or any situation where someone might need a little extra motivation or reassurance.

With the NFL Quarterfinal’s and Semi Finals in full swing, MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER JON GORDON delivered a pep talk to the Washington Commanders during their finals a couple weeks ago. The Commanders are still rising to the challenge as we speak. Below captures some of the inspirational talk, as you read the words, each of us can take nuggets of in formation and apply it to our own lives!

LIVING YOUR BEST life often means constantly learning. Everyday, there are opportunities you can seize! Courage is an every day event, I hope you are inspired by something or someone today to take action.

JON Gordon

“Belief is an interesting thing. You can’t touch it but you can feel it. You can’t measure it but you know when a person or a team has it. Life, football and adversity will test what you believe. As you rise higher you will face greater tests. New levels brings new devils. Your belief must rise to a greater level.


Brotherhood is a big part of their culture and identity. I heard Dan Quinn, their new head coach, talk about it a lot and so I also wanted to reinforce what makes a brotherhood special and strong. I talked about connection, commitment and the power of a team that believes together and unites and fights together.


Be You was the last thing I spoke about. Having worked with countless teams I knew that teams in big games often looked outside at the crowd, the noise, the media and the expectations and my goal was to get them to focus on the power inside them. Sometimes players will think they have to do more and be more than they are. I told them to just be you. You are powerful. You have everything you need to be great. I closed with the analogy of the carrot, egg and coffee bean to reinforce the fact that we create from the inside out and loving the battle is the best way to perform during the battle.”

I Hope you enjoyed his pep talk, I though it was too valuable not to share:-)

Danielle Pointon

Live Blue Consulting

Live Your Best Life At Any Age!

-4 Temp can still be a great beach day!




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