Hello and happy Wednesday, this title may sound cryptic but hear me out!
Today I read a great passage that captures this nicely…
“When you meet with people, at work or wherever it may be, give them your fullest attention. You are no longer there primarily as a person, but as a field of awareness, of alert Presence. The original reason for interacting with the other person - buying or selling something, requesting or giving information, and so on - now becomes secondary. The field of awareness that arises between you becomes the primary purpose for the interaction.
That space of awareness becomes more important than what you may be talking about, more important than physical or thought objects. The human Being becomes more important than the things of this world. It does not mean you neglect whatever needs to be done on a practical level. In fact, the doing unfolds more easily and more powerfully when the dimension of Being is acknowledged and so becomes primary. The arising of that unifying field of awareness between human beings is the most essential”
Wild isn’t it, but so true.
I work with people in their senior years and I am telling you they teach me so much. The picture below they are playing trivia, and the question was “Which President was in power during the Watergate scandal? “Yes” we are Canadian’s, but I learned about Nixon, Obama, Bush and Trump. We are Canadian’s versed in US politics.
On another note I was not even playing the game, I was in their field of vision, reading a book and they brought me into their circle:-). Human interaction is such a big part of how we grow and help people remain connected.
I encourage people to read and reread that paragraph above, it is transformative.
Faces are blurred out to protect identity.
Have an amazing day!
Danielle Pointon
Live Blue Consulting