Why is vaping so dangerous? Bringing some information to you on this popular social trend.
Vape solutions contain diacetyl and formaldehyde, when inhaled into the lungs it can directly damage the lung sacks, this can cause a condition called popcorn lung. This can affect how your lungs transfer C02 and how you get oxygen into your body. This is a serious condition that frequently requires hospitalization, it can even cause death. Nicotine is an intense vasoconstrictor and the nicotine content in vape solutions is largely unregulated, in addition to that vaping has become very socially acceptable, exposing not just yourself. High nicotine exposure increases your risks of high blood pressure leading to consequences of heart attack or stroke.
Finally vape solutions contain carcinogens like formaldehyde as well as toxic materials like lead, tin and nickel. These things are inhaled into the lungs and not good for our bodies.
Your body = Your Rules!
Information is Power! We are just starting to understand vaping and the short term vs long term effects!
I hope you find this article helpful if it applies to you or a loved one.
Danielle Pointon
Live Blue Consulting
Your Best Life
