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What do you think of when you hear the expression "Hitting the wall" (Idiom)? What does it mean if you have Diabetes or an Endurance Athlete or BOTH?


(Sunrise Oct 21st, 2024)

First, let me share the epic sunrise over Grand Lake just before 8 am Atlantic Time Zone! Yes that is right 8 a.m- the early mornings are now pitch black.

Onto my topic! "Hitting the wall" often refers to a point of extreme fatigue or energy depletion, especially during endurance activities. For me personally in endurance kayaking if I hit the wall I feel a huge sense of overwhelming emotion and energy depletion. I know exactly what I need to do to get my second wind. It came from knowing myself and auditing my training plan very well. I utilize a lot more energy in high winds and have to be careful ensuring I pack more nutrition. This weekend during an endurance paddle, winds were very high and although I topped up my glycogen stores on my regular intervals, it still happened after 4 hours and 33 min. Second wind came very rapidly after a recharge.

With that said, for someone with diabetes, this can occur when blood sugar levels drop too low (hypoglycemia) or rise too high (hyperglycemia).

Key Points:

  1. Symptoms: When hitting the wall, you might feel exhausted, dizzy, or shaky. In diabetes, it can manifest as confusion, irritability, or weakness.

  2. Causes:

    • Hypoglycemia: Often due to too much insulin, not eating enough, or exercising too much without adjusting for it.

    • Hyperglycemia: Can occur if you eat too many carbs without adequate insulin or if you're dehydrated.

  3. Prevention:

    • Monitor blood sugar levels regularly.

    • Carry snacks (like glucose tablets or fruit) for quick energy.

    • Plan meals and insulin doses around physical activity.

  4. Recovery:

    • For hypoglycemia: Fast-acting carbs (like juice or candy) can help quickly raise blood sugar.

    • For hyperglycemia: Hydration and possibly adjusting insulin may be necessary.

The best person to identify when this might happen is through you and your self care plan. You know you best! If you have diabetes or an endurance athlete, always be prepared.

For more information and tips on self care, check out my post regularly! I enjoy hearing peoples stories and sharing helpful information.

Here are some shots this morning October 21st, 2024 Sunrise.

Danielle Pointon

Live Blue Consulting

What is Your Best Life!



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